Living Vine Community Church is Turning five!

Living Vine Community Church is celebrating the month of March with special services highlighting the transformation of not only our building but our people!

March 2: Kick-off Sunday! Remembering the start: ONE week before the outbreak of Covid - 19 LVC survived and thrived!

March 9: Outreach Sunday: At only 5 years old LVC has already impacted the world!

March 16: Serve Sunday: Highlighting the service and sacrifice of the many LVC attenders through the years.

March 23: Family Life Sunday: The Faith Family of LVC spans from 3 weeks old to 94 years old!

March 30: Banquet Sunday: Let's join with one heart and voice to celebrate God's goodness and faithfulness.

You are invited to Living Vine’s Five Year Anniversary Gathering and Banquet.

Anniversary Gathering and Banquet will be held on Sunday, March 30, 2025, starting at 10:00 am, at Kilkarney Hills Golf Club, 163 Radio Road, River Falls, WI. There will NOT be a service at Living Vine Church location on Sunday March 30, 2025.

Banquet lunch will include herb crusted pork loin, baked California garlic chicken, a mixed green salad, garlic buttered red potatoes, whole green beans, and cake. 

There will be donuts and coffee available before the service begins.

To register for the banquet click here