meet our leadership team

We are a community of imperfect people, supported by directors, guided by elders and led by a Pastor. We are pursuing and experiencing a transforming relationship with Jesus together. We’re all about doing life together in community, being intentional about our growth as people and serving one another and our broader community along the way.

  • John czech

    lead Pastor

    John has been leading our church since it's inception in March 2020. His thoughtful teaching, passion for the Word and counseling experience have helped our ministry grow into the thriving community of believers we are today.  John has been a church planter and lead pastor for many years in Illinois, Washington State and Wisconsin. He has been married to his wonderful wife, Kelly for over 33 years. They have two amazing daughters and one equally amazing son-in-law. John and Kelly enjoy the 4 seasons of Wisconsin and the beauty of Hudson! To relax John loves to be with family, enjoying a cup of coffee with a good book, and spending time outside fishing or pheasant hunting!  Contact Pastor John at

  • Ben Chirhart


  • chris ashwood

    music director "praise band"

    As Music Director of the "Praise Band" at Living Vine, Chris is an all around music man, who loves the Lord, his family and enjoys a good campfire.  Chris lives to serve in many ways, including serving those in need, through the program that he started "Starts With Socks" benefiting the homeless. Chris is also a well known private music instructor to numerous students in the Hudson area, providing keyboard, guitar & drum lessons. 

  • Alison czech


  • karen moldenhauer

    family ministry coordinator

    As Family Ministry Director, Karen is passionate about nurturing the spiritual growth of children and their families at Living Vine Church. With over 20 years of experience working with kids and families, she coordinates volunteers and curriculum to create a meaningful and engaging faith experience. A dedicated teacher at heart, Karen finds great joy in guiding the next generation. She is also a proud grandmother of five and cherishes time spent with her family.

  • betsy norby

    office MANAGER

  • sue lockwood


    Sue and her husband now reside in Hudson, Wisconsin after she spent 34 years working as a business systems analyst for the same company in the Madison area. She leverages her extensive work experience to assist the church office with various projects. Serving as Congregational Connector allows her to meet and connect with many members of the church. Sue enjoys spending time with her grandkids and tending to her flower gardens.