When you’re raising a family, it's tough to find a church that everyone loves. That's why we've created an interactive Sunday experience where your kids (birth-grade 5) will learn about God in an environment created just for them. And Wednesdays during the school year are just for middle and high schoolers—with engaging discussion, exciting games, and messages that connect faith to real life.

Our Family Ministry includes all kids, ranging from birth to 12th grade. We are a Jesus-focused, Spirit-filled, and life-giving ministry of Living Vine, who's focus is to bring to life the Gospel of Christ in the lives of kids. Our vision is to raise up and empower the next generation and their families to advance God's kingdom, so that our students can take their next steps to a life of significance with Christ.

We are centered around discipleship relationships to foster an environment for our students to thrive on their journey with Jesus. Our ministry approach is based on a caring community and small groups where Godly relationships can develop - a gathering for students to encounter God through worship, teaching, events, mission trips and even summer camp.

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Sunday Mornings - During the Sunday Gathering (drop off 9:45 - 10:00am):

Nursery (Ages 0 - 2)

Toddler (Ages 3 - K)

Godly Play (Grades 1 - 5)

Mid-Week Youth Group - Wednesday Nights (6:30-8:00pm):

Jr. High (Grades 6 - 8)

High School (Grades 9 - 12)

vine babes


We provide friendly, loving volunteers to care for your child in a safe environment during our Sunday Gathering. The Living Vine Nursery is structured in a way that allows for children of multiple ages to be nearby. Children (age 2 - kindergarten) play in a fun space, filled with toys, games and interactive fun, which is attached via a dutch-door to the nursery (birth to 2/3 yrs). The proximity of these spaces as well as the convenience of having a dedicated little kids bathroom within the room gives parents peace of mind and reduces separation anxiety.  

Our goal is to provide a safe and clean environment where our VINE BABES can feel God’s love wrapped around them. loving environment where they can explore and feed their natural curiosity. Kids get to play, hear a Bible story, enjoy a snack and make friends. By partnering with parents, kids learn what it means to be lifelong followers of Jesus. Through songs and play, our hope is that our little ones hear three basic truths: “God loves me, God made me, and Jesus wants to be my friend forever.”

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adult MINISTRy

We have been created to live in community and not in isolation. Physically, we do live in a community, but spiritually, socially, and relationally we often live our lives in isolation. We find ourselves with no one to turn to when we have a major issue that has just surfaced in our life. Living in community affords us the opportunity to more wholly experience God through close relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, and as we study and live out God’s word together.

At Living Vine, a community group usually consists of 7-15 attendees in various life stages who meet on a regular basis in someone's home. These communities are about establishing relationships that encourage us to grow spiritually, offer mercy towards one another in our time of need, and, as groups, be the hand of justice in our community and the world around us.  


Local & Global Mission

We are passionate about showing you who Jesus is. Whether it is in our own neighborhood or across the globe, we can tangibly express God’s love for humanity through our outreach "Jesus Is" projects and mission trips. Join us as we extend our mission beyond our walls and share the love of Jesus in our local and global community.

Local Missions

Our church desires to invest in local ministries and organizations that help fill the gap for people in need in our community. Our approach is to form long-term relationships, where we can invest financial resources and create opportunities for our church body to serve and share the love of Jesus.


Global Missions

The life-changing message of Jesus Christ is intended for a worldwide audience. Our purpose is to impact nations by equipping believers to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19.) We partner with ministries in other parts of the world by providing short-term mission teams, financial support and other resources.


ministry "DREAM TEAMS"

Through contemporary music, relevant messages and friendly fellowship, we provide an environment for people to glorify God and experience life transformation. Every week, people come together here to enter into His divine presence through thanksgiving, praise and worship.

Accomplishing this requires a large group of people who use their gifts and talents to serve God and minister to the hearts of His people, we call this our "Dream Team" here at Living Vine. We would love to have you get involved. Whether you play an instrument, sing, have a friendly & welcoming smile, enjoy working with children or maybe you bake a mean cupcake, we invite you to consider joining our worship family. Our Praise Team is always looking for camera operators and soundboard technicians. Our Family Ministry Team is seeking someone to lead the Nursery and Toddler Rooms. We are in need for someone to launch our First Impressions Ministry - greeting guests on Sundays. We would love to have you serve with us on one of our Ministry Teams. 

If you are interested in joining the Dream Team, please contact us today!